Sharping Tactics
Service Description
The Chess knowledge could also be a mix of theory and good strategic game plan with many practice, having excess information on the same subject can become superfluous. Likewise, too many exercises without theory can become meaningless for students. To maintain this fine balance our coaches will work individual with each chess player in the session, which may take them up level beyond the Beginners level to Intermediate level where they're going to ready to understand chess more deeply and can be guided in several areas of the sport to assist them attend subsequent level. Key Features Intermediate Chess program based on analysis of your performance, Chess instructor will design your Lesson Plan & structured Chess course which is suitable for you. In-depth Analysis of the interactive session. Get homework between training sessions to form sure you're employed on your own. Practice sessions which are observed by the experienced instructors online and guide students analyze games. We have defined our curriculum as below Level -4 1. The Chess Openings - Main Lines 2. Interference 3. Double attack: Luring 4. Blockade 5. Weak Pawns 6. Place Front and Back Pieces 7. The Passed Pawn 8. Elimination of the Defense 9. The Magnet Combination 10. Endgame Strategy 11. Chasing and Sighting 12. Rook Ending 13. King's Attack 14. Seventh Rank (Tactical) 15. Square and Line Clearance 16. Queen against Pawn 17. Tests Level -5 1. The Opening - Variations with Deep Analysis 2. Mate in Two 3. Material and Time 4. Break Through 5. How to Use Pawns 6. Pawn Endgame: Race 7. 7th Rank and Open File 8. Discovered Attack 9. The Pin 10. Rook against Pawn - 1 11. Rook against Pawn - 2 12. The Opening Traps 13. Strong Points 14. Attacking the Castled King 15. Rook Endgame 16. The Wrong Bishop 17. Other Chess Problems 18. Tests Improving your tactics and strategies and progressing to the Advanced level. Positional chess tests.